Scrolling Monsters, Trolls, and Other Horrific Things

October is here and I love the fall. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because of the creative ways we express our culture through costume, pretend, and imagination. Creepy things, pumpkin spice, and the thrill of jovial jump scares are in the air. Today was the first morning I've felt the cool 55F breeze and enjoyed inhaling the full breath of that crisp air in my lungs. Hearing the birds and small creatures in my back yard, watching the leaves float, and tasting the warm life-force (aka coffee) all bring me peace. I need that peace frequently to deal with the stress of the difficult days. The stress of my every day comes from different sources; family concerns, work difficulties, and various overwhelming things. Maybe very like yourself, some of these things I can control, and most I cannot. They cause stress just the same. There's only so many inspirational sentence (mis)quotes one can swallow. I am finding myself more and more frequently overwhelmed by the i...